We Can Shine Together
Lighthouse center is more than just childcare. Together, let’s create engaged communities where whole families thrive.
Our Mission
At the Lighthouse center, we strive to help young children and their families succeed in learning and in life. We use the Two-Generation Approach to provide inclusive programs, delivered with empathy and understanding.
Program for Every Age
Our vision is to create engaged communities where whole families thrive. With that in mind, Lighthouse Center offers high-quality programs for children and for the adults who love them.
Family Centered Care
We understand that supporting children’s well-being requires supporting the adults in their lives, too. Our focus on the whole family is based on caring awareness, sensitivity, and optimism; we serve children and their families with love and understanding. Lighthouse Center partners with families as equals.
Communities Coming Together
At Lighthouse Center, we believe that the adage “it takes a village to raise a child” still holds true. We partner with community organizations that share our commitment to helping families thrive because it’s important for children to know that they are surrounded by adults who care about their well-being and believe in their potential.

Schedule a visit or reach out with questions.
Whether you’re a parent looking for support and guidance or an organization looking to partner with us, we’d love to hear from you!