UPK Program
Ages 3 to 5 years old
We prioritize joyful learning through play to ensure that children look forward to coming to school and are poised for future success.
Lighthouse Center partners with Buffalo Public Schools (BPS) to provide the UPK program for eligible families. This introduction to BPS provides enrolled families with access to district resources and supports.
To ensure they are on track to meet grade-level expectations for literacy and math, UPK students are screened three times per year. This assessment helps teachers provide targeted support, as needed.
The UPK classroom is designed to promote active learning. Students enjoy high-interest materials, thoughtfully facilitated small and large group experience, and plenty of time for creative expression.
Warm, positive relationships with adults and peers help shape children’s understanding of the world around them. Our focus on well-being includes attention to feelings, problem solving, critical thinking, and emotional regulation.
Engage their
growing curiosity
The Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) program utilizes three specific early learning curriculums: Big Day for Learning (literacy), Building Blocks (math), and Second Step (social emotional). Lighthouse Center teachers prioritize joyful learning through play to ensure that children look forward to coming to school and are poised for future success.

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Whether you’re a parent looking for support and guidance or an organization looking to partner with us, we’d love to hear from you!